Sunday, 9 August 2015



One of my favourite feelings in the world is reconnecting with old friends. You know those friends that you haven't spoken to in months, but then you hold a detailed conversation just as if you saw them yesterday. The type of friend that won't judge or question; yet somehow you seem to have an innate understanding of them that is rarely felt and must be held onto.

Jane Austen expresses this perfectly in her words from 'Northanger Abbey':

'Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.'

This poignant line has been displayed on my wall since an (at the time) traumatising break up with someone I believed to be my best friend and soul mate, but it still resonates true four years on.

Knowing that you have those people there to keep you company in times of need is a comforting enough thought for me. If I'm having a hard time then I know that I can contact them and they will distract me from my woes, and equally I am around to do the same for them.

The lack of school as a catalyst for friendship is the true deal breaker - if you can remain friends whilst at opposite ends of the country, with both parties remaining interested and working hard to maintain this mutual trust, you know you have found a true friend and soul mate.

Peace out x

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