Friday, 8 May 2015


Well hello there; how are you today?

I thought that seeing as this is my first blog post, I would share a little about myself.
My name is Isabel, I am 18 years old and I currently reside in the United Kingdom. I've been thinking about starting this blog for a while - a collection of personal thoughts, struggles and joys as well as a few product reviews, but it takes me a good few months to make decisions.

I'm going to be straight with you right now: this blog will not always be the happy musings of a carefree 18 year old. I suffer from anxiety and depression, so this blog is a way in which to share these thoughts and feelings with a wider audience, and I hope to aid others by sharing my experiences, as one of the most important things to remember is that you are not alone.

Seriousness over, I thought I would tell you about my day.

Having stayed up until 2:30am to watch the results from the General Election come in, my morning got off to a slow start, culminating in removing myself from bed 4 hours after getting up in order to drag myself up to university to collect some assignments. It turned out that I didn't fail quite as dramatically as I presumed I would. Following this was my appraisal, in which I was informed that my managers do actually like me (despite my constant paranoia that they, in fact, hate my guts) and I acquired a pay rise.

Then I got back to my room and went straight to bed.

If you have a mental illness of some sort, you may well know that bed feels the safest place to be when you have had a pretty horrendous day/week/month, but equally sometimes even great things (like payrises) take it out of you, and you feel as if you want to just escape from the world a little. I've been here for three hours now. I didn't realise that it had been three hours until I glanced at the clock just now.

I need to stop allowing time to just disappear.

Life is tough sometimes, y'know? Somehow, writing about my surreal, dream-like day has caused me to feel slightly better, as procrastiblogging is semi-productive, right?

Righty-ho, time to go and forage for food in the big bad world.
To all: I hope you have a wonderful day, week, month and year.

Thank you,
Isabel (here's me wearing my 'confused' face)

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